Fifteen Minutes: Would You Rather...

1) Would you rather FAKE an orgasm in your Core class or HAVE an orgasm in your Core class? 2)

1) Would you rather FAKE an orgasm in your Core class or HAVE an orgasm in your Core class?

2) Would you rather hook up with your roommate or go to dinner naked?

3) Would you rather have sex on the top bunk or on the bottom bunk?

4) Would you rather take a body shot off Neil Rudenstine or your House Master?

5) Would you rather do a striptease at the Lacrosse team initiation or at the Citystep Ball?


1. It depends--if the orgasm is with another person then yeah, I'd have one. I can do sex in a core class but I already have them every day; I get so turned on by the stimulating lecture material.

2. Dinner naked because I've always wanted to stretch out on the cool, granite countertops of Kirkland and cover my body with potato salad.

3. The top bunk because it allows for more variety of position.

4. I would do the body shot with my House Master -- we already share more than just a wall!

5. Citystep Ball--bigger audience, high heels.


1. I would definitely rather have one. First of all, since I'm not good at faking it, it would confuse people. Second, I think Michael Sandel is hot and then my orgasm would be appropriate in his class.

2. Hook up with my roommate; it's cold and my roommate is really cute. And also spilling on myself in the dining hall would be really gross. Beef lo-mein on my thighs-- ugh!

3. The top bunk--I'd hit my head on the bottom.

4. Totally my House Master. I think Howard Durgy is so cute and he would enjoy it more.

5. Citystep Ball--I would know way more people than like IGP, all the people near and dear to me. Lacrosse--it would seem cold and unfriendly. I don't want to wear pantyhose though."


1. I would have an orgasm so I could come all over the guy in front of me.

2. Dinner naked because I have a very large penis.

3. The top bunk because I can drip down on my roommate.

4. The lacrosse team has probably already seen my naked so Citystep.


1. Have, because everyone would be mad jealous if I was having an orgasm in lecture.

2. Oh my gosh, I'm such a nudist, but at dinner? How long does the hookup have to be?

3. The top bunk because then I could hang off the sides there's more space between the ceiling and the bed, at least there was in Wigg.

4. Neil--he has the power, I can charge him for that shit.

5. Lacrosse team bomb bodies. Are they going to call me now?


1. Have an orgasm because that means I just came.

2. I'd go to dinner naked because my roommates are ugly.

3. The top bunk because then I can push her off when I'm finished.

4. The lacrosse team because lacrosse guys are hot.


1. Why is that difficult? Well, have an orgasm--you might as well enjoy it if you're going to be humiliated.

2. Roommate, because I don't want the whole house to see me naked.

3. Quite frankly, the handlebars bottom bunk is GOOD!

4. Considering I've never seen either one of them, it's a toss-up but Neil would make a better story.

5. I don't know--is the lacrosse team cute? They are? Oh, then Citystep don't want to inflate their egos.


1. Definitely have an orgasm--there are some hot freshmen in heroes.

2. I have a morbid fear of bunk beds. Bottom--I Don't imagine the fall to the Dewolfe floor would be comfortable.

3. Hey, if me and Mike Shingdel would do it out there on the top garden, that would be phat ambiance.

4. I don't know any lacrosse players. I would if I stripped for them--I want some DHA sweats.


1. Have an orgasm because if you're gonna be noticed you might as well enjoy it.

2. Top so she doesn't have to keep bumping her head.

3. I'd hook up with my roommate. My roommate's a sex beast.

4. Citystep--you can turn it into a dance.

5. Neil Rudenstine, because he'd probably return the favor.


1. I'd rather fake one because at least I'd know then that someone else would be involved!

2. My roommates are hot. I'd rather hook up with them.

3. Neil because I'd get much more than a better lottery ticket.

4. Lacrosse team--better props.