
Winning Reputation Follows New Coach Here

With practice beginning less than two weeks ago, Mazzoleni has had little opportunity to see his players on the ice. But this has not been a deterrent. In fact, it's given Mazzoleni a chance to reassess the program to everyone's benefit.

"I don't think it's fair for any of the kids for us to prejudge them on the good things they did last year versus the areas they need to improve on," Mazzoleni said. "It's a wide open opportunity, and the kids have been very receptive to what we're doing."

But if there's one thing that Mazzoleni wants to stress to the fans, it's patience.


"The results may not be immediate," Mazzoleni said. "But I'm sure that everyone will be pleased with our progress."

Touting a track record that can only be described as overwhelmingly successful, hiring Mazzoleni may be the best tactical move yet in returning Crimson hockey to greatness. But between this lawyer-turned-coach's experience and the Crimson's raw talent this season, anything's possible.

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