
Ventura Interview Gets Media Spotlight

"It's clearly a change at least in his public attitude about it," Loss said. "[Before,] he flatly ruled out the possibility of running."

But last night, Ventura's press secretary John Wodele disagreed.


"I wouldn't put too much stock in the going-ons in the presidential race and the governor's involvement," Wodele said. "From what I've read [Ventura meant only to say] he's never said never [to the possibility of running.]"

Wodele made similar comments in an interview with the Associated Press yesterday.

"If you can read this interview and arrive at the conclusion that he's going to be president a year from now,

you're in political la-la land," he said.

Ventura's comments to the Current echo what he told an informal gathering of students when he visited Harvard two weeks ago to appear on CNBC's "Hardball with Chris Matthews."

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