
Harvard U.N. Week Kicks Off

This is the fourth year that the Woodbridge Society has celebrated U.N. Day, but this is the first time that the organization combined with the IRC and WCFIA to plan a week of events rather than a single day.

"The integration of the IRC, WCFIA, and the Woodbridge Society is an exciting collaboration of students with similar interests," said IRC member Sarah E.M. Wood '01. "I hope U.N. Week will serve as a catalyst to create networks that will hopefully spawn future activities."


The WCFIA is hosting a UN Security Council Reform forum in Coolidge Hall from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. tonight, featuring Sumio Kusaka, executive secretary to the chief cabinet secretary of Japan, Pramathesh Rath, Indian ambassador to Colombia, and Klaus Rupprecht, director of the German Foreign Office's East Asian division.

A panel of students will follow these international politicians with a discussion entitled "Student Perspectives: Problems and Prospects facing the UN," slated for tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in Emerson 105.

U.N. Week culminates on Friday with a large cultural show in the Leverett Old Library from 3 to 5 p.m.

Originally the only event for U.N. Day, this year's cultural event, designed to celebrate the cultures of Harvard's international students, will feature student group performances and poetry, followed by an international food fair.

"The purpose of U.N. Week is to celebrate the principles that the U.N. is supposed to stand for, not necessarily the organization itself," Darryl C. Li '01, a Woodbridge board member.

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