For every opening, Birkett typically receives around eight applications. He even has brought in an outside consultant to help him discern between candidates.
The effort pays off, he says. "I only pick from the milk for me," he smiles.
Though teachers' unions may not be in favor of the balance of power, the teachers at Banneker say it works smoothly.
"Because we don't have unions, the expectation here is that you work until the job gets done," says Kathleen Horrocks, director of support services.
Banneker's 30 teachers present a balanced racial mix, with half minority and half non-minority. They come from different educational backgrounds, but all beat out heavy competition to join the charter school movement.
Horrocks, who originally was an elementary school special education teacher in Houston, says she believes there are very hard-working and intelligent public school teachers, but maintains that the level of teachers at Banneker is exceptionally high.
"I never knew a teacher at an unionized school who came in on Saturdays," she says.
Horrocks was one of the original teachers when the school opened in the fall of 1996. She vividly recalls sitting with other teachers early in the morning of the first day of school trying to put together desks. Although it was a valiant effort, the first day of school started with students coming into rooms with carpets--and little else. The first year was rocky. Two teachers left abruptly because they felt they had not received adequate support and the original executive director left after conflicts with the board.
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