
Knafel Center Seeks Community Approval

Residents objected to this plan, saying it created a building much larger than those in the vicinity and in the process destroyed a garden space behind Gund.

To placate those neighbors, in 1998 Harvard unveiled an alternate plan. This scheme, which is still the one on the table, would begin by demolishing Coolidge Hall, as well as the University Information Services (UIS) building across Cambridge Street.

Two new buildings would rise on the sites, linked by a tunnel under the street.


Architectural plans shifted as well to accommodate neighbors' concerns, especially those about the height of the building.

The new plan calls for the building on the north side of Cambridge Street to have a "stepped" roof, graduating from three stories in the middle to only one on the side abutting the street.

These changes were made with the intent of "respecting the neighborhood scale," Power says.

Community Planning

Harvard's next step is to get these changes approved by a host of city bodies designed to monitor development.

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