

Howard's End?

Somehow, though, I knew it couldn't last--there had to some overlap between the personal and the professional, particularly because for Howard, the personal is professional.

Now it would seem that I'm in a bit of a bind.


The person behind the mask doesn't seem so healthy anymore. Can I laugh at Howard Stern and still maintain a semblance of moral probity? Do I have to admit that his alleged sexism, supposed racism and seeming classism are beyond the pale of what's acceptable? Is Howard really a bad guy?

Liberal moralists do say that his show promotes the objectification of women, the oppression of ethnic minorities and the celebration of mass culture. Conservative moralists do say that his show debases culture and promotes bad behavior.

What do I say? Ha!

The Howard Stern Show is the closest radio comes to appointment listening. In order to understand the references he makes, it takes months and even years of dedicated concentration. Slowly, what "Baba Booey" means becomes clear. The lives of all the show's stars are fair game for dissection. Daily foibles become metaphors for the poor choices we've all made.

The format of his show has been copied by aspiring idiots in nearly every radio market in the country.

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