
Harvard, Radcliffe Finish Near Top at Regatta

The turns made it difficult for Radcliffe to gain ground on its competitors.

"We had some solid pieces where we were holding Princeton, [but] we were unable to catch them on the turns," Browning said.

Radcliffe has one more major race for the fall season, the Foot of the Charles in November.


"[The Foot] will be good to look forward to," Browing said. "It will be a good challenge for us to push through the fall and winter."

Radcliffe's second varsity boat dropped to 50th after a collision with Boston University at Weeks Footbridge. The boat was penalized a minute for the incident, leaving Radcliffe with a time of 19:16.31 for the course.

The women's heavyweights will be chasing down Princeton, Brown, UVA and Michigan as the spring season approaches, and racing goes into full swing.

Radcliffe head coach Liz O'Leary could not be reached for comment. She was out on the river racing in the Championship Eight race against her own Radcliffe rowers. O'Leary placed 20th in a boat comprised of the members of the 1980 women's Olympic team.

Radcliffe Lightweights

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