
Crowds Revel in Regatta Pageantry

Stoneham resident Larry F. Bruno, a fried dough vendor, said sales were brisk on Sunday.

"Fried dough sales always go well in cool, crisp weather," said Bruno, who has been coming to the regatta for about 20 years.


Over the last two decades, "the crowd has gotten bigger and better," Bruno said.

The Bill Bradley campaign took advantage of the crowd to spread stickers and buttons among the spectators.

Atop a Humvee nearby, a group of loud-mouthed promoters from WBCN 104.1 FM hurled frisbees and CDs down to a crowd below.

A number of street magicians and bands moved their operations from Harvard Square to the Charles for the day, hoping the large crowds would bring a big payday.

Even a flock of Canadian geese didn't seem to mind the added traffic along the Charles--they floated peacefully on the water, staying out of the way of the passing shells.

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