
Student Reps to Faculty Committees Pledge Reform

Murg described student opinion on the Core requirement as "an inverted bell curve: Students either love it or hate it."

In an effort to increase student satisfaction with the Core, she said she wants to "get into the heads of the people controlling the program and inject student opinion into the process."

Other initiatives involve student quality of life.


According to SAC Chair John Paul Rollert '00 , the Committee on House Life will address keycard access and dining services. For dining, he says he plans to push for an expansion of late-night food options.

CUE plans to construct an on-line book-ordering program by the spring that will calculate the least expensive textbook options and provide links to the appropriate booksellers.

Despite the plethora of ideas, representatives admit that the success of their agendas depends on the level of both student and Faculty enthusiasm.

"For things to be accomplished, we need to have committed students and professors who come to the table ready to explore problems and try to solve them," Shirk said.

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