
Gates to Host Innovative New PBS Series on African History

Each hour-long episode explores a different portion of Africa's heritage. One episode will focus on Ethiopia's role as a holy land for Africans and includes a chance encounter with Minister Louis Farrakhan in the west African city of Addis Ababa.

Another episode is devoted to an expedition to Timbuktu in Mali, a trip that brought Gates into contact with the modern-day slavery that still exists in some African nations.


"I wanted to bring this lost African world into the consciousness of the larger public, black and white," Gates said.

Gates had many unusual experiences over the yearlong filming of the series, including riding a camel through the Sahara desert with Tuareg nomads and hoisting himself up a rock face to reach the oldest church in Ethiopia.

At one point, Gates had his body encased in "healing sands" by a local.

"I can't believe that this man...persuaded me to take all my clothes off in the middle of the desert," Gates said.

The program also will focus on the emotional odyssey Gates embarked on when he returned to the cradle of black civilization.

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