
Islamic Students, Journalist Spar Over Terrorism

Heated debate follows showing of jihad film

Emerson criticized the literature circulating among the audience, in particular a flyer listing controversial statements ascribed to the journalist.

"Militant Islam does not equal mainstream Islam," Emerson said. He went on to explain that this is a very important distinction and that those who attempt to slander him simply fail to appreciate this difference.

"Those who do not want this discussion are doing an incredible injustice to Islam," Emerson said.


Students were quick to criticize Emerson's film during the hour-long question-and-answer session.

"The way the film opens and closes is with Arabic, with Arabic chanting. Not translated, you come to perceive Arabic and Arabic chanting as a military activity," Fazili said.

Both Emerson and the students appreciated the question and answer time. Emerson said he was glad for an opportunity to clarify his views, while members of the Muslim community took advantage of the time to expose what they saw as a vast number of generalizations in both Emerson's film and statements.

In spite of a strong debate on an extremely sensitive issue, the event ended with hugs and laughter between members of the JLSA and members of the Muslim community.

"I am thankful they [JLSA] gave us the opportunity to get our viewpoints across," said Asifa B. Quaraishi, a doctoral candidate at the Law School.

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