
The Garment District: Heaven in a Pile of Clothes at Cambridge's Vintage Mart

Other than Halloween, most customers are looking for deals on everyday clothes.

Emerson College student Judy M. Craigo is on one such mission to find winter clothes, and has her eye on a $10 leather coat.

"It just needs a little love," she says, fingering its worn-through pockets.


The customers are as assorted as The Garment District's decor--a man in head-to-toe leather and chains stands next to a man in a coat and tie.

The decor itself, though, is uniformly bizarre. Motorcycles and car engines hang from the ceiling, and in the middle of the otherwise conservative button-down shirt rack, a huge silver pegasus statue rears its head.

Even the employees, sporting dark eye-makeup, tattoos or baggy cargo pants, coordinate.

The owners of Dollar-a-Pound created the Garment District in 1987, after Dollar-a-Pound started consigning funkier items that could go for more than, well, a dollar a pound.

But Funk, for one, says that marketing plan is wearing thin.

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