


In "Learning the Wrong Lesson" (Opinion, Oct. 14) Osborn argued that the Columbine killings have led to a great misunderstanding. She specifically refers to the death of a person of faith named Cassie Bernall whose death and life have subsequently become a source of attention and pride to the American religious community.

This deeply disturbed Osborn and she writes that we have been, "reduced to debating the benefits of bestowing the title of martyr upon Littleton victim Cassie Bernall." She calls this, "emblematic of the problems with the current debate surrounding religion in public schools."


How could one trivialize the death of a 17-year old girl just to have the opportunity to take potshots at the religious right? Needless to say, we are not talking about the religious right, we are talking about Cassie Bernall. Her death was significant. Her published diaries and journals reflect that she was a young woman of incredible conviction and deep belief. The evidence I have read is overwhelming, this girl was identified because she was a person of faith, and she died for those beliefs.

T. Christopher King '01

Oct. 14, 1999

Title IX Does Not Dictate Standard

To the editors:

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