
Student Tackles Robbery Suspect

Barber and Benoit said they pursued the man through Boylston Gate and into the Yard. The two cornered the man in the small grassy area between Grays Hall and Wigglesworth Hall.

"By the time he got in front of the K entry, I just grabbed him and he fell," Barber said.


A proctor, Michael A. Armini, helped the two men hold the suspect.

Back on Mass Ave., one of the women called 911 on her cell phone, reaching the Cambridge Police Department.

Within a minute, CPD dispatchers were on the phone to the Harvard University Police Department (HUPD), which, in turn, dispatched its officers to the Yard.

At first, the description broadcast on the scanner was sketchy. A group of students were chasing a young man with long blond hair wearing a Nike jacket.

Suddenly, the scanner squawked with the news that two men were holding another on the ground between Wigglesworth and Grays Hall.

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