
At Book Reading, Purdy Quietly Denounces Cynicism

Some audience members said they found Purdy's hopefulness contagious.

"I was very impressed," said Liz M. Foster '01. "It was inspiring."


"There is an element of walking your talk," said Kata Chuck, a Boston-area resident who said she was interested in whether Purdy could live up to the standards in his book. "If there isn't substance to your words, talk is cheap."

But Purdy has also met with criticism. Some book reviewers have branded his book as preachy and simplistic, and fellow Generation X-ers have cringed at his message.

Purdy declined applause at the conclusion of his speech, quickly descending from the podium. But as he walked away, a Harvard Book Store representative responsible for bringing Purdy to Harvard as part of a distinguished author series spoke.

"I know this is ironic," she said, laughing, "but we will be selling [Purdy's] books in the next room."

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