
Harvard Club Considers Suit Against Officer

Ex-president allegedly diverted donations

"These people are all friends of Steve Chik,"she said, adding that Wong was an employee of thethen-president.

"It's not in their best interest to see actiontaken against Steve Chik," she said.

Pressure in the local media, combined with theresults of an Ernst and Young audit, forced theissue, however. But while the club decides whetherto prosecute its former president, Harvard willkeep largely out of the picture, according toReardon.

The dispute seems to have come about as aresult of the relatively loose relationshipbetween Harvard and its clubs, whose bi-laws varysignificantly.

"In all the years the clubs have been going,somebody could have walked off with a king'sransom," Reardon said, "But this is the first Iknow of."


"It's a very, very sad situation," Reardonsaid. But a change in policy to tighten theUniversity's control over the clubs would result,Reardon said, "in 160 little wars.

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