Flynn's tenure as mayor of Boston wascontroversial at times, but he always maintainedstrong grass-root support, particularly amongstthe district's Irish-American voters.
But the eighth's demographics have changeddramatically since the time when Irish-Americanvoters held significant sway in the district.Redistricting by Congress in 1992 brought morenon-Irish voters into the district.
And now with Boston's red-hot housing market,white-collar professionals are beginning to fillmany of the area's ethnic and non-whiteneighborhoods.
But even with all the changes in the district,campaign staffers for Flynn, Capuano and Bachrachall said there is still only one thing thatmatters.
"It's a matter of who does a better job ofgetting their base out to the polls," said AnsonE. Kaye, Bachrach's communication's director.
Attorney General Primary ResultsDemocratic PartyCandidate Votes PercentageLois Pines 259,146 47%Thomas Reilly 286,940 53%93% of precincts reportedBrad Bailey was uncontested in the Republicanprimary.Middlesex County District Attorney PrimaryResultsDemocratic PartyCandidate Votes PercentageTimothy R. Flaherty 37,587 28.4%Martha Coakley 71,358 54.0%Michael A. Sullivan 42,273 16.9%100% of precincts reported8th Congressional District PrimaryResultsDemocratic PartyCandidate Votes PercentageGeorge Bachrach 11,312 16%Michael E. Capuano 17,807 24%Marjorie O'Neill Clapprood 8,902 12%Raymond L. Flynn 12,208 17%Christopher F.O. Gabrieli'81 4,715 6%Thomas M. Keane'78 1,793 2%John O'Connor 9,735 13%Alex Rodriguez 1,299 2%Susan M. Tracy 2,172 3%Charles C. Yancey 2,979 5%81% of precincts reportedPhilip Hyde III was uncontested in the Republicanprimary.Lt. Governor Primary ResultsDemocratic PartyCandidate Votes PercentageDorothy A. Kelly Gay 218,087 51.9%Warren Tolman 256,011 47.3%Republican PartyCandidate Votes PercentageJanet Jeghelian 91,300 45.0%Jane Maria Swift 107,659 53.0%43% of precincts reported