
After Alumnae Backlash, Radcliffe Learns Importance of Being Earnest

The "double presidency" continues. PresidentWilson has written her annual letter tofirst-years, and tours for prospective studentscontinue to tout the "dual citizenship" enjoyed byfemale undergraduates. Wilson and Rudenstinepressed the flesh at the First-Year Barbecue thisweekend.

Maybe no one will even notice that Radcliffe'sfuture is in flux.

When Adam M. Taub '02 was asked whether he wasaware of the current negotiations between Harvardand Radcliffe, Taub echoed the sentiments of manyof his classmates when he replied, "not until youjust said that."

That's exactly what Radcliffe wants to hear.

Name: Neil L. Rudenstine


Position: President, Harvard University

Strategies: Design interfacultyinitiatives, end confusion of theHarvard-Radcliffe relationship

Name: Linda S. Wilson

Position: President, Radcliffe College

Strategies: Preserve the spirit ofRadcliffe, end institutional ambiguities

Name: Jeremy R. Knowles

Position: Dean of the Faculty of Artsand Sciences

Strategy: Harness responsibility for allundergraduates without Radcliffe's intervention

Name: Nancy-Beth G. Sheerr '71

Position: Chairman of the Board,Radcliffe College

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