
Dudley Co-op Residents Squabble Over Serving Meat

Weinstock said the co-op needs to work on cleanliness in general.

"Definitely most of the time it's a pit," Weinstock said. "There's dirty dishes everywhere, there's dirty pots everywhere."

The philosophy of the co-op is that differences are worked out through compromise until everyone is close to satisfied, Charbonneau said. Even if one person is unhappy, the co-op may make compromises or adjustments, he said.

"We want to come to a point where everyone feels OK," Weinstock said.

On Wednesday night, students in the co-op ate a collection of several salads, including a garden salad, a tofu salad, a noodle salad and a fruit salad, Charbonneau said. Food in the co-op is generally bought from an organic grower.


"Many people that come over for dinner comment that it's much better food than they had in their Harvard dorms," Charbonneau said.

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