Narayanamurti's colleagues also praised hispersonality.
Bowers said Narayanamurti acts for the benefitof the entire institution, rather than his ownspecialty.
For example, Bowers said that while at UCSB,Narayanamurti used resources to improve thecomputer sciences, instead of his own subject ofphysics because he felt that area was alreadystrong.
Lucas said Narayanamurti displays genuine carefor others.
"He takes a personal interest in everyone hetalks to," Lucas said.
Narayanamurti is arriving at Harvard during aperiod of rejuvenation of the DEAS. Currently, theMaxwell-Dworkin building, which will housecomputer science and electrical engineeringfacilities, is under construction. The project wasmade possible by a $25 million donation from BillGates and Steve A. Ballmer '77.
In addition, current Dean of DEAS Paul C.Martin '52 said that with funds from theUniversity's $2.1 billion capital campaign, theengineering department will endow approximately 12new professorships.
The engineering department currently has 48endowed chairs.
Although Narayanamurti is from outside theUniversity, Martin does not think the appointmentshould be viewed with-in the context of Harvard'scurrent tenure debate.
Martin noted that the last five junior facultymembers within the DEAS that underwent tenurereview were promoted. Martin believes thesepromotions represent a division that values itsown scientists.
"The division is able to tell incoming juniorfaculty that they have a good shot [at tenure],and we've made good on that promise," Martin said