
Not Just a Musician, Ryan Leslie Does It All

A. Ryan Leslie CLASS OF 1998

"I really like working with others who have asense of who they are as artists," he says.

As a producer, Leslie says he often feels asthough he is helping performers achieve alife-long goal.

"It was sort of like a dream and you made itcome true," he says.

Leslie says he has produced for a variety ofpeople, including an artist he first heard singingat the Harvard Square T-stop.

"Where you see talent you want to work withit," he says.


One of his performers recently took first placeat the Sony Showcase in Providence, Leslie sayswith pride.

Leslie adds, however, that while he enjoysbeing a producer and plans to continue that aftergraduation in New York, he ultimately hopes toswitch to performing full time.

"I love to perform, that's my number onething," he says.

Leslie says his goal is to be on top of theindustry and "to be the hardest working man inentertainment."

That way, he can bring out the best in both hismusic and himself.CrimsonMelissa K. CrockerRYAN LESLIE performs at Eleganza.

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