As required by law, Awerbuch-Friedlandersubmitted her complaint to the MassachusettsCommission Against Discrimination (MCAD) beforefiling her lawsuit.
Shapiro acknowledged that MCAD found there tobe no probable cause to support the plaintiff'sclaims.
But he said the commission's procedure, whichdoes not include an opportunity to cross-examinewitnesses, does not allow for a sufficient airingof facts relevant to the case.
"We think [the decision] was incorrect. That'swhy we filed suit," Shapiro said in an interviewyesterday.
But, speaking on the condition of anonymityyesterday, some women who work at SPH said theyhad never experience the discriminationAwerbuch-Friedlander said was prevalent. Instead,they said that gender relations at SPH are good.
"I've had the impression that this is a goodtime to be a woman at the School of Public Healthbecause actions related to promotions [are]undertaken fairly," said one female junior facultymember.
She said improving the status of women at SPHhas been "a priority" of the administrations ledby University Provost Harvey V. Fineberg, formerdean of SPH, and current Acting Dean James H.Ware.
Ware declined to comment on the case or on hisefforts at SPH. Fineberg could not be reached forcomment.
Another SPH staff member said she has noticedthe administration's attention focused on issuesof staff diversity.
"The School of Public Health has done somewonderful things in terms of diversity ofperspective, as well as diversity across gender,racial and ethnic lines," the staff member said.
Awerbuch-Friedlander said other women haveexpressed similar concerns about promotionprocedures at SPH, but have not followed throughwith their complaints. She said she hoped herlawsuit would spur changes.
"I want to make a difference, but not a point,"she said.
Shapiro said he expects that if the case goesto trial, it will do so by the end of the year