
Alums Elect Five New Overseers

Hrones objects to election methods, may sue Harvard

"The Board of Overseers can't go charging inand announce grandiose initiatives that willtotally change the campus," Rockwell said.

One of the points in Hrones' platform was tobring more minorities and women onto the faculty.

"While they've diversified the student body,they've been behind on the faculty," Hrones said."I said I would press to bring in moreminorities."

A lawyer, Hrones said the charter thatMassachusetts granted Harvard in the 1600s maymean that the University can be held legallyresponsible for a fair election.

If the elements of the election were trulyillegal, Hrones should have issued an injunctionbefore the voting, Rockwell said.


"His stand on principle is kind of undercut inthat way," Rockwell said.

Hrones said he realizes some people think he isa sore loser.

"It looks like sour grapes," he said. "Peoplesay, 'Hey look, Hrones, you lost," he said

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