On April 25, 1971, 250,000 demonstrators marched on the Capitol to protest U.S. military involvement in Southeast Asia. In what are known as the May Day protests, demonstrators attempt to use civil disobedience to shut down the Washington D.C.
May 1971
By May 7, 13,000 protesters had been arrested, and protests disbanded as it became clear that Washington would continue to function.
May also sees the announcement of corporate support for a campus day-care center and plans to build The Garage in Harvard Square.
Summer 1971
The summer of 1971 is more peaceful for Cambridge than the previous summer, but that does not keep Harvard out of the news. In June, Defense Department official Daniel Ellsberg '52 (below), a former Crimson editor, releases a 7,000-page, top-secret government report to the Senate and then The New York Times.
By the time Harvard students return to campus, the government begins preparation for the prosecution of Ellsberg and his associate, Anthony Russo.
The summer of 1971 also marks the inception of the photo identification card at Harvard.
September 1971
When the Class of 1973 returns to Harvard, Bokbecomes the University's 25th President andselects several vice presidents to assist incampus administration.
Senator Edward M. Kennedy '54-'56 (D-Mass.)speaks on campus, urging students to "shake offyour lethargy" and to continue to protest Americaninvolvement in Vietnam.
October 1971
The University continues to take baby steps inthe direction of equal treatment for women andminorities. It releases an Affirmative Action Planon October 4 to comply with Department of Health,Education and Welfare (HEW) regulations. Althoughthe plan increases the number of minorityemployees at Harvard, it draws criticism forkeeping the hiring of women at a constant level.
In his first major move as President, Boklowers the male-female ratio for Harvard'sincoming class from 4:1 to 2.5:1 on October 5.
On October 14, Radcliffe students who hadgraduated before 1963 were granted Harvarddegrees, making them eligible to vote forHarvard's Board of Overseers.
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