
A Night to Remember


As Harvard's residential Houses lose their unique flavors due to randomization, House formals provide a way for residents to come together, assert House spirit and party like rock stars.

More importantly, they are one of the few times when the College exhibits signs of a truly collective social life. This spring season, we set out to evaluate four formals, separating fact from fiction, faux pas from fabulous and clipons from hand-ties.

Yet, after spending four consecutive nights on the town, these two hungover Student Life columnists found every formal remains a different scene, with each House claiming they've got the best party around. Before we begin, we'll let you in on one secret--no House came out clearly on top.

Where's the Party At?

Upon entering the Mather courtyard Sunday evening, it was difficult to escape the feeling that the party was being held in Gotham City. Let's face it--James Bond wouldn't be caught dead in the Mather courtyard.


The first rule in formal-going, it appeared, was location, location. Surprisingly, for the majority of Mather residents, however, the courtyard was a logical formal site.

"Personally, I love having it here," said Lillian E. Gutwein '99, social chair of Mather House Committee of the House formal. "[The location] also shows deference to the seniors, because it's a tradition for them," she said.

While many sophomores opposed holding the House formal in Mather courtyard during a House vote earlier this year, as Gutwein noted, "It's much more convenient, and everyone I've talked to is having an awesome time."

The formal featured a large dance floor under the courtyard tent with a DJ and an open bar. But some still remained dissatisfied with the location.

"For a formal, you get all dressed up," said incoming Mather resident Emily Y. Yang '01. "You just expect it to be somewhere else than your own House."

Mather seniors generally supported this year's location, however, pointing to several strategic advantages.

"This is exactly where I'd love to have it, because you can drink in rooms and come back, and you're forced to be a part of it if it's here," said veteran Matherite Jeremiah W. O' Connor '98.

The Cabot House Formal, held Monday night at the Lansdowne Playhouse in Boston, was a different scene entirely. As in their daily life, Quad residents found themselves far from the rest of campus in an hard-to-find locale.

But attendees at the Cabot formal were rewarded for trekking to the Playhouse with a great bar, good food and a party that--unlike Mather--didn't take place in a tent.

"I think it's a good idea to have it [on Lansdowne St.]. You actually feel like you're going somewhere," said Elie Y. Mystal '00. "It's a good idea to get out of Cambridge."

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