
Matching Funds Boost Harvard, Radcliffe Drives

Campaigns direct donations to distinct goals

Hauser said in an interview Friday that much ofthe confusion related to simultaneous capitalcampaigns will be alleviated when Harvard andRadcliffe decide on the next phase of theirrelationship.

Some alumnae said yesterday they accept thatthe changing face of Radcliffe may not, in fact,include official ties to undergraduates.

"Most of us have known that, eventually,Harvard and Radcliffe will merge," said concernedalumna Joan H. Burns '56. "I just want Radcliffeto be the bride with the largest dowry so she willbring some clout to the marriage."

Others, including former second vice presidentof the Radcliffe College Alumnae Association PeggyM. McIntosh '56, said they are troubled by whatthey see as a shirking of the college'straditional responsibility to provide a supportivecommunity for undergraduate women.

McIntosh resigned last month in protest of thesecrecy surrounding top-level talks betweenHarvard and Radcliffe officials, and saidyesterday that she hopes Radcliffe willstrengthen--not sever--its ties to femaleundergraduates.


Radcliffe officials are still determining thefuture of the institution, and said they cannotspecify the details of the new Radcliffe.

"The Radcliffe 21st Century Challenge Fund willprovide necessary and valuable flexibility inaddressing emerging issues related to ourmission," said Linda S. Wilson, president ofRadcliffe, in a prepared statement. "This is asignificant period in Radcliffe's history.

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