
Knowles Adds Two Hours to MAC Schedule

Early openings come in the wake of UC insistence

Lewis said the MAC's earlier opening time mightreduce crowding during peak hours.

Cooper, however, said a refurbishment would domore to eliminate overcrowding.

The earlier hours "might be able to relievesome of the problem" Cooper said, but added that"having a larger weight room would solve theproblem."

"For a school that has this much money, it's adisgrace that the common weight room is ashambles," Cooper said.

In his letter to Stewart, Knowles said thatlimited funding prevented further changes.


"We should recognize, I fear, that the Facultyof Arts and Sciences will never be able fully tomeet the growing hopes of our very energeticcommunity," he wrote.

Knowles also emphasized that the extended hoursfor next semester would only be an experiment.

"We're trying it out next term," he said."Obviously this is not cost-free."

Stewart, however, predicted that the earlieropening would be kept permanently.

Next year's experiment will be paid for out ofthe budget of the Department of Athletics,according to Lewis, though he added the Collegewas involved in the decision and was "verysupportive."

Lewis said the decision to keep the 7 a.m.opening would depend on "usage levels, costtrade-offs, ability to find compensating savingselsewhere and anything else that is learned fromthe experience."

"If it turns out to be a popular move and toallow better use of the MAC's facilities," Knowlessaid, "we shall have to see what compensatingeconomics can be made elsewhere."

"The greatest happiness for the greatestnumber' isn't a bad precept," Knowles added.

William B. Decherd contributed to thereporting of this story.

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