
Smoking Ban Possible in Harvard Houses

Proposal stalls at meeting of Committee on House Life

Lewis said the issue will be further discussed in today's meeting of all the House masters.

The COHL also heard discussion on the topic of interhouse transfers for students who havetransferred to Harvard from other colleges.

Thomas A. Dingman '67, associate dean of theCollege for human resources and the House system,discussed the possibility of allowingintercollegiate transfer students to transfer outof their assigned Houses after only one semesterin the House.

Dingman said undergraduates are presentlyrequired to spend two semesters in their assignedHouse before being eligible to transfer.

Council President Beth A. Stewart '00 praisedthe plan. "I think [the plan] could really improvethe happiness of a group of students that oftenfeel very neglected by the College," Stewart said.

Members indicated that they will continue tolook into the issue.


Committee members also discussed an expansionof House Web pages. In addition, the COHL heardreports on the status of bringing cable TV to theHouses, and the need for a review of the StudentHandbook
