
A Diverse Kuumba Debates Identity

The notion of cultural identity is more complexthan just black and white, he wrote.

"Our problem is not one of race, it is one ofculture. The concept of race is deceptive in thatit encourages people to form and rely upon falseidentities," Reid wrote. "In many ways AmericanBlacks have more in common with American whites,than with Africans or Afro-Caribbeans. Racialconstructs have real effects, and so must be givenconsideration; but we should not allow them tocloud our perception of `reality.' And the realityis that we are all in the midst of personalbattles with `identity."

A serious commitment to learning about blackmusic and culture, Reid believes, ought to be themost important attribute of a Kuumba member.

"Kuumba should focus on the expression of theBlack musical and spiritual tradition upon whichit was founded, and each and every Kuumbabe shouldtake it upon themselves to learn about andcultivate a respect for this tradition," Reidwrote. "Being Black is not enough. Being Christianis not enough. Being interested andcommitted--that is enough."

While the group extended the e-mail discussionin a members-only forum Saturday, some in thechoir said they are still confused by the opinionsof their peers.


"I would assume that we would have to continuethe debate because nothing was resolved and itdefeats the purpose if it isn't," said Anna B.Benvenutti '00 in an interview yesterday.

Considering themselves "a family," many Kuumbamembers did not wish to comment on the debate toThe Crimson, and said they did not want the publicto perceive the discussion as a fight--because itisn't, they said.

"Kuumba is an incredible organization, withpeople who really do care about each other,"Benvenutti said

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