


25. Visit Walden Pond. (You've read the book...)

26. Revisit suburbia. Find a friend with a car and go get Slurpees at 7-11, french fries from McDonald's and pancakes at the International House of Pancakes (IHOP). Take pictures for your dorm room wall.

27. Take a road trip, preferably an unplanned one to a place far, far away. (Come on--be daring. Leave your Dayrunner in your room.)

28. See an O M N I M A X film at the Museum of Science.

29. Ice skate on Boston Common.


30. Go rummaging at Filene's Basement.

31. Visit all the museums in Boston.

32. Don't forget to go to the Aquarium too.

33. Go whale watching in Boston Harbor. Remember the Dramamine.

34. Go people-watching in Harvard Square.

35. Sit in the Pit for more than an hour. Take a look. Take a good look.

36. Attend services in Memorial Church. Find out what those 8:45 bells are about, and don't leave without hearing Reverend Peter Gomes speak.

37. Make sure to hear all of Harvard's "greats" at least once. West, Gates, Sandel, Gould--attend their debates, shop their classes.

38. Take Gen. Ed. 105. Everyone else will.

39. Study in random libraries: Try the History Department's in Robinson Hall. Find Gutman, if you can.

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