
VES Thesis Buried Under Opposition

Still, Mitchell said his opinion on the matterwould not change "unless every single student wholives in this part of campus says they're notconcerned" about Merriman's project.

Moreover, both groups of masters were unifiedin their position that their rejection ofMerriman's request was not meant as a "judgment onthe artistic merit of her piece."

Ware also acknowledged that the technical scopeof Merriman's thesis did not help to soothe themaster's additional fears.

As part of her project, Merriman said she plansto dig a 6-by-6 foot hole five feet deep inwhichever space she uses. Over this she willsuspend a transparent box containing 25 prostheticlegs from a 50,000-ton hydraulic crane, finallylowering the box into the hole and covering itwith earth.

The overall effect, explained Merriman--whosays she drew inspiration from watching a horseinterred with a crane--is meant to simulate aburial.


In their message to Merriman, the RadcliffeQuad master voiced their doubt "about the abilityfor this to be a low impact affair," nothing thedense network of conduits under the Quad whichmight be damaged by an excavation.

In their turn, the MAC Quad masters feared forthe safety of the grass in that part of thecampus, "which we have worked hard with thegrounds people to keep...growing."

Merriman responded to the latter contention bysaying, "If there's no grass, I can't mess it up."

Whatever the outcome of this affair, Merrimansaid she fears the impasse may not be resolvedbefore her intended opening date on May 2.

Her thesis adviser, Richard Rogers, a seniorlecturer in VES, said it would be "very, veryunfortunate and very, very, sad" if Merriman couldnot exhibit a piece which he claimed "wasimportant to be shared with the community."

For the time being, Merriman said she hasinvestigated a multitude of alternative sites,including a lawn near Dunster House and a spot bythe Science Center offered to her by councilmember David W. Lerch '99--who had reserved thespace for his own thesis project.

"I am looking at every patch of grass I canfind on campus, "Merriman said.

She is even exploring the possibility ofborrowing a plot of land in Rehoboth, Mass., a45-minute drive away, from the family of a fellowVES concentrator.

"By hook or by crook I will put this thing on,"Merriman said
