
Student Groups Gear Up for Celebration of Israel's 50th

"We did it there [outside the Science Center] to make sure entire campus is able to be there and able to learn about the state of Israel. It's important that it's something everyone can be part of," he said.

Thursday afternoon will also feature a documentary about Israel in the Lamont Forum Room and community service projects at Hillel.

The celebration ends with several events at Hillel. In place of the usual dining services fare, Hillel will feature an Israeli falafel stand in its dining hall, complete with "Israeli style condiments and students serving food in Israeli manner," according to Lebwohl.

Then, at 6 p.m., Dr. Bernie Steinberg will lead the final session of the Center for Jewish Learning's class on Israel at 50, which has been going on throughout the semester, where he will discuss "contemporary Jewish identity and the quest for spiritual identity," according to Hillel's schedule.

The lecture series, which began in February, has also featured visiting Israeli government officials and Harvard professors Jay Harris and Ruth Wisse, among others.


Conference organizers, who Slotnick says have been working on the celebration all year, say Harvard students have shown a great deal of interest in the events thus far.

The planners hope that as the events approach, even more students will get involved.

"We want people to see the posters and get excited on the day of the events," Slotnick says. She adds that events were being held in the Science Center "so people don't even have to got out of their way."

"I can tell you based on the response that we've gotten from students who want to be involved in the planning that Israel matters a great deal to number of Harvard students," Silverstein adds. "I only hope that this interest is reflected in attendance and participation."
