
a table

it's what's for breakfast

Neil: I have a sister, Natasha, who can kick my ass now.

Tom: Natasha Magnuson--she's your sister! She's the fourth hottest girl in the freshman class. She has a great ass.

FM: If someone at this table asked you if you were a virgin, would you tell the truth?

Tom: No!

Neil: I would.


Gautam: Probably--it's a little early in the relationship though.

Emy: Yes, I guess.

FM: How are your relationships with your parents? Were your relationships better in high school or in college?

Gautam: Much better in college. I'm an only child. Being away from my parents has brought our closeness into play a lot more. But I have always thought my relationship with my parents was pretty good.

Tom: In the movie, the criminal calls the brain "a parent's wet dream." But let's see. My relationship with my parents was better in high school because in college I decided to drop out for a year. They got a little pissed.

Gautam: My parents aren't happy with the concentration I'm choosing. It's Gov and they think it should be Physics. But they'll let me get away with it eventually.

FM: Do you think a lot of people see you like the characters I matched you with? Do you identify with the characters at all?

Gautam: Personally, I can see where you got the idea. Around here it is difficult to stand out. All the people on this campus are really incredible. You could choose anyone here to fulfill the brain stereotype.

Tom: I'm not a criminal. [Everyone laughs] I'm not! My father didn't abuse me. I'm actually hurt that you saw me in that light.

Gautam: Are you repressing?

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