
Thompson Faces Five Challengers in State House Race

Barrios says he is looking forward to the possibility of facing a Republican candidate in the general election.

"I am thrilled about the opportunity of debating somebody in the general election [but] the challenge before me is the primary," Barrios says.

Barrios adds that he does not think the number of Democratic candidates will splinter the party. "The more, the better--it gives all of the candidates an opportunity to show what we're about and to further a community dialogue," he says.

In addition to the growing Democrat-Republican tension in the race, there is also friction between incumbent Thompson and other candidates.

An Absent Incumbent?


Nearly all the candidates for the 28th criticize Thompson for his low voting attendance record at the State House.

"Alvin Thompson has two other jobs, and, except for the past year, has been absent significant amounts of time from the state legislature," Hoicka says.

"He has had among the worst attendance record of any state representative in the House," Hoicka continues. "I think that speaks for itself."

Potvin levies the same charges against Thompson.

"People are angry with Alvin Thompson," Potvin says. "[His attendance record] sends a message that if you don't want to show up for half your votes, you don't care."

And although Barrios says he objects to "focusing on [Thompson's] faults," he does describe the incumbent as "inactive" and "disinterested" in his job.

Thompson defends his attendance record, saying his two other jobs (as a part-time security guard and a school department employee) is "not an issue."

"It doesn't affect me at all," Thompson says, estimating that the majority of the state representatives hold other jobs.

Thompson adds that if the candidates believe that they will be able to work in the State House without holding other jobs, "they've got another thing coming."

The Race

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