
Undergraduate Council to Provide Beer at Springfest

Members vote on student group allocations

The AIDS Education Outreach asked for the grantto install a condom vending machine that woulddispense condoms for free in each house. Somecouncil members questioned the necessity of havingexpensive vending machines instead of baskets.Despite the dissent, the council decided toapprove the grant.

The Parade of Stars is a first-time eventnominally sponsored by the council to honorexcellence in student groups. Council membersrefused to give money for it, many members sayingit is poorly publicized and incitescompetitiveness among campus groups.

The biggest grant winners last night were theHarvard Science Review, which received $800 forprinting costs, and the Hippocratic Society, whichreceived $700 for publicity, programs and itsjournal.

The council is also giving a $500 grant to theBossert Appreciation Committee which will host aparty for William H. Bossert and Mary L. Bossert,the Lowell House Masters who will retire afterthis year.

Take Back the Night received an ad hoc grant of$180 for food during its events this week.


In addition, the Council unanimously passed abill calling on the Committee on UndergraduateEducation (CUE) to continue listing the names ofhighly rated Teaching Fellows in the CUE guide.CUE is considering abandoning this listing for thecollective, course-wide ratings of TF's

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