The simple fact that the team was at home mayhave been what was most important to the team. TheCrimson squad had been on the road so long.
"Being on the road for so long helps yourself-reliance," Fish said. "You get used toplaying in many situations. We almost forgot whatit is like to have people cheering for us."
"It is great to play in front of a home crowd,"Tseng said. "It is a definite edge because youropponent may not feel as comfortable."
After having this fine homecoming, the Crimsonis rewarded with another road trip. The team facesa tough Yale squad on Friday and a weaker Brownteam on Saturday.
"Yale's a pretty tough team, we have our handsfull for the weekend," Tseng said.
As for the team's prospects, health seems to bethat major concern. Clark's ankle sprain cannotafford to be serious for a Crimson squad alreadywithout an emotional leader.
"We will just keep getting people healthy, keepgetting better going into regionals," Fish said