
Consulting Contest Tests Professional Skills

Yale team captures first place, $1,000 prize

But attempts to get firm commitments fromsurrounding colleges proved difficult, especiallywith the approaching start of spring break formost schools.

"We struggled with organization and we hadtrouble contacting people," said Chinwe Onyeagoro'00, HRCC's business developer.

Although the groups were given littlepreparation time, Onyeagoro characterized thepresentations as "excellent."

"They are directly related to the company andfocused on using the competitive landscape,"Onyeagoro said.

In the future, HRCC hopes to expand beyond theconference and allow members to experienceconsulting while still in school.


"We would like to provide training sessions formembers," Dusing said. "We want members to be muchmore knowledgeable and have marketable skills when[they] enter the recruiting process."CrimsonMelissa K. CrockerCHINWE ONYEAGORO '00, Business Developer ofHarvard Radcliffe Consulting Club awards the firstplace prize of $1,000 to a member of Yale'sconsulting team.

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