The goals set standards for educationalachievement and for curricular content.
A list of the goals, along with specificstrategies for achieving them, was distributed atthe meeting.
Attendees expressed concern that the goalsrelating to standardized tests will lead teachersto tailor their instruction to the test material.
They also asked questions about language andmusic programs, as well as the potential for cutsat the administrative level.
Some parents asked D'Alessandro about theprogress of her plan to restructure the highschool, which she said will be completed by the1999-2000 school year.
After D'Alessandro left, other attendees,including State Representative Alice K. Wolf(D-North Cambridge), stayed to discuss the budgetsituation and strategies for improving the qualityof schooling.
CUE members presented statistics on educationalspending, class sizes, enrollment, and othertopics, although they said the Cambridge schooldistrict does not make such information easy tocome by.
The Cambridge School Committee hold a meetingto discuss similar issues next Tuesday evening.