"It is kind of overwhelming, but I was happy with the picture they selected," she said. "I felt it was one of the more tasteful in the magazine."
Woodbury is partially clad--wearing underwear--unlike many models, who are concealed only by strategically placed soap suds--or not concealed at all.
According to Woodbury, her friends and family are equally positive about the picture. "[My friends] are all pretty psyched. They allwant me to sign it," she said. "It's been a reallygood reaction so far." Her father "wasn't really into it," Woodburysays, but her mother was supportive and drove herto the photo shoot. "My mom and my sister have seen it, but theyhaven't shown my dad," she said. "My mom likes thepicture a lot." Woodbury said Playboy is "in a class of itsown" and "tends not to objectify women." "It's not demeaning in any way...it is abeautiful picture which portrays who I am," shesaid. The "College Girls" issue, which will be onnewsstands until April 20th, will sell roughly350,000 copies, according to Cohen