
Socrates vs. Seinfeld: Faculty Teach Pop Culture

Social science, humanities faculty focus on modern life

However, as Semmel suggests, "that may be morecommon off the syllabus than on."

Layton says she finds increasing studentinterest in popular culture entirelyunderstandable.

"Young people today construct their livesaround popular culture--it's their life," shesays. "To be honest, that's why I think I'minterested in it."

And students say popular culture can make acourse more immediately appealing.

"Linguistics 80 is a net for the linguisticsdepartment," says David A. Williams '00, who tookthe class this past fall and is considering jointconcentrating in linguistics and English.


Vaux warns instructors against drowningstudents in theory or methodology.

"You have to hook them first," he says. "Thenyou gradually teach them the tools of the trade."

Thesis topics that include issues of popularculture also abound. Jennifer D. Gootman '98 issubmitting a thesis to the History Department onpsychic hotlines. Although she says she did notspecifically set out to choose a topic of popularculture, she wanted to explore something that hadnot been studied previously.

"It's interesting, and it's always in themedia," Gootman says, adding that televisionadvertisements helped her choose a topic.

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Instructors who study pop culture say it can bechallenging because is as unpredictable as nextyear's hemlines.

Layton, who lectures in universities across thecountry, says her rapidly-changing subject matterhas been something of an occupational hazard. Thepublicity information for her lecture isillustrated with a picture of Madonna, Axl Roseand Thelma and Louise.

"Since I made that publicity material, there'sa whole new generation of college students, andwho knows if they even care about Axl Rose," shesays.

Although general interest may wane when thesubject matter fades from the public view, someinstructors say its short shelf-life is preciselythe reason why it is important to study popularculture.

"If you don't make an effort to collect thisstuff, it will be lost forever," Vaux says.

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