
Junior Prof. in Spanish Literature Promoted

"His field is not one in most demand, but histeaching style is refreshing and he gives theimpression of being dedicated to the students,"she said. "I would definitely take another coursewith him."

Epp's courses are also well-received in theCommittee on Undergraduate Education's (CUE) Guideto Courses, with several receiving high marks.

Epps, who returned early from a workingsabbatical in Barcelona, will be teaching twocourses this spring, including a Spanishliterature seminar examining the role of realismin Spanish narrative fiction from the latenineteenth century to the present.

According to Fernandez-Cifuentes, Epp's earlyreturn was welcome.

"When I announced to the students that Bradwould be returning this spring to Harvard insteadof extending his sabbatical to the entire academicyear, the reaction of the students was one of suchpleasure and satisfaction as I had never witnessedbefore," he said.


Epps said he was surprised by the announcementof his tenure, especially the speed of thedecision.

Epps said he thought President Neil L.Rudenstine would have to "sleep on" the proposal,but he said that the official offer was announcedsoon after the tenure proposal was submitted toRudenstine
