"We need to address the fact that this is animportant issue and this is a community issue,"said Cari E. Sietstra '98. "It's not somethingthat happens just once a year."
The group proposed organizing a confidentialsurvey to compile statistics relating to date rapeat Harvard.
"I believe that at least one rape happens hereevery weekend, said Manisha Bharti '98.
Other ideas discussed by the group includedbringing more outside speakers to campus todiscuss date rape and making phone numbers ofcounseling services on campus more accessible.
The committee also proposed increasingeducational opportunities for men on campus.
"Educating men is sometimes overlooked. A lotof [rape] prevention could come from educatingmen," Karp said.
The committee planned to meet again tomorrowand set up an e-mail communication list to ensureimmediate action on the issue.
"It's a really hot topic now," Bharti said."This is the time to pounce on it.