
PBHA Seminar Promotes Non-Profits

She advised that cooperation was a more effective method of service.

"Talented people should think about whether our privilege and energy is better spent starting our own organizations or going and helping a local grass roots community-based organization," she said.

Neree, on the other hand, said he believes in going out and saving the world in one's own way.

"What makes non-profit so special is that each individual has the opportunity to start a program to do exactly what they want to do," Neree said.

Jayaraman and Neree ended the seminar by creating a hypothetical non-profit organization and outlining the procedure for achieving non-profit status.


"It is such a pain. It's long and drawn out. It's only worth it if you believe that there isn't anything similar already out there," Jayaraman said.

The panel was mostly attended by undergraduates already involved in community service and interested in forming their own non-profit organization.

"My highest career goal right now is to start a charity, both non-profit and for-profit, but concretely I'm not sure how to do it," said Dahni-El Y. Giles '99.

Having acknowledged the difficulties of starting a non-profit organization, Jayaraman said she was happy to be given the chance to hold the seminar.

"It's nice to establish a connection between graduate students and undergraduates around important issues," Jayaraman said.

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