
BGLTSA Vice Chair Impeached By Board

"Everyone on our board except for Dave Campbellthinks of our constitution as a document that ismeant to help us," she said.

The Last Straw?

Board members noted that the issue ofCampbell's impeachment had been raisedunofficially prior to the election and to Sundaynight's meeting.

Summer said Campbell had been asked to resignin late January.

"I knew it was going to happen," said Trent,who cautioned that he did not know all of thereasons behind the impeachment. Trent did notattend Sunday night's meeting.


Campbell acknowledges he has had personalproblems with board members in the past.

"We've had a number of meetings where thingsgot very heated and very personal and things weresaid that were regretted later," he said.

Campbell concedes, "I said many things that Iregret. I said things that were personallyattacking."

But he claims the entire board often foughtamong themselves, leading to e-mail wars andpersonal confrontations.

"I think, in general, our board degeneratedinto infighting. Professionality was simply outthe window," Campbell said.

Board members also accused Campbell of notfulfilling all of his obligations as vice chair.

Campbell admits that he didn't always do whathis job required him to do, but claims other boardmembers routinely failed to fulfill theirrespective duties.

"I have documentation that has every singlemembers not fulfilling their obligations," hesaid.

Campbell received an e-mail message from AlenaWilliams yesterday informing him that he was nolonger vice chair and that his name had been takenoff the BGLTSA's executive board e-mail list.

Non-executive members of the organization saidyesterday they knew of Campbell's impeachment butrefused to say how they had been informed anddeclined further comment.

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