
HMC Convenes At Park Plaza Hotel

"The Harvard people have been exceptional in putting this together and making it easier on us," Smyth said. This was the seventh year the school has participated in HMC.

Some organizers have been working for 11 months to set up this year's Model Congress, and the board members had been at the Park Plaza since Wednesday morning, according to Business Manager Nicolas A. Chavez '98.

"It was a little different this year because we changed from the Boston Sheraton to the Park Plaza, but the faculty have been saying that this has been one of the best, if not the best, Harvard Model Congress ever," said Chavez, who is a former Crimson executive.

The clutter in the HMC main office provided evidence of the hard work involved in putting together the simulation. A layer of scattered photocopies covered the floor, empty boxes were piled high into a mountain, and President Kristina L. Patterson '98 searched in vain for the second--and last--box of Tylenol, which turned out to be empty.

During the weekend alone, HMC used 26 computers, 10 laser printers, 10 copiers and made about 35,000 copies, according to Chavez.


"Everyone has been so enthusiastic this year," Patterson exclaimed at the dinner table of executive board members. "This has been the best Model Congress ever."

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