
Kline, Savage Honored as Men Of the Year

Savage's Real Man' award pokes fun at Pot

Despite Savage's victory, wrestling fans atringside agreed that his appearance at the Lampooncomes at a crossroads in the middle-agedwrestler's personal and professional life.

"He's not the same as he was at Wrestle maniaIII back in '86," said Savage admirer John E.Connolly '00.

In the past five years, Savage has switched hisaffiliation from the WWF to the WCW and beendivorced from his wife and current manager, LadyElizabeth.

More recently, he alienated himself from hisgang, the New World Order (NWO), as a result ofhis feud with Hogan.

Responding to a question about a possibleschism within the NWO, Savage said, "Sure, they'reall tense and I'm feeling great."


Still, Savage's youngest fans remain his mostardent admirers.

"As many times as Macho Man gets knocked downhe always gets back up," said seven-year-old BrianDevenne of Cambridge.

The afternoon's proceedings came to a climaxwhen Lampoon President Matthew J. Murray '99 andNarthex Nicholas A. Stoller '98 handed Savage thesilver cup that represents their Real Man of theYear Award as well as a self improvement cassetteSavage identified as "How to Have Sex Up to OneTime a Night."

Savage, apparently touched by the recognition,expressed his appreciation and said he would usethe award as an incentive to "really get seriousand kick ass from now on.

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