
Valentines And Veritas: Love Is Colorblind

Although discussing values or beliefs isimportant, students stressed some fundamentaldifferences--particularly regarding marriage--thatfrequently arise.

"When I date Asian guys, they are looking forthings they want in a wife," says Ng. "Americanguys aren't planning for the future as much."

"It's hard to date Indian guys because they arealways aware of marriage. With caucasian guys,there is a feeling we can be friends. But, when itcomes to marriage, I probably want to get marriedwith someone Indian who I can go back to Indiawith," says Jhala.

Students like Fraijo say common datingpressures, like long-term commitment, are perhapsmore important threats to interracialrelationships than racial or cultural differences.

Neither Ng. Fraijo, Jhala, or Felmers citedrace as a reason for breaking up with a boyfriendor girlfriend of another race.


Instead, some say emotional and economicfactors may play a larger role in determining thefuture of a given romance.

"Socio-economic factors are more important inthe relationship than race," Ng says. "As long aswe get along as far as our expectations insociety, it's easier to get along in terms ofrace.

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