O'Mary predicts that current council memberswill win both top positions. He says T.Christopher King '01, John A. Burton '01 and Setonhave particularly good shots at the presidency,with their running mates Fentrice D. Driskell '01,Scott A. Resnick '01 and Redmond best poised towin the vice-presidential post.
Other council members say better access toresources makes it easier for current councilmembers to win.
"It's much harder to win from off council,because a lot of the core support staff ofcampaigns tends to come from on council," Stewartsays. "I personally think council members will winthis year's elections."
Although a consensus on the council's purposeseems to be emerging, candidates often disagreeover the council's size and shape.
"There's a lot more talk of structural reform,especially from candidates outside the council,"Stewart says.
Eduardo J. Dominguez '01 advocatesrestructuring the council to includerepresentatives of extracurricular organizations,House committees and concentrations. Burton andResnick advocate reducing the number of councilmembers "to cut deadweight.