
Our Town

Getting Access

"We are being a bit more careful about leavingour door unlocked," Leino says. "I haven't seen orheard of a bad experience, though."

Julie M. Lau '00, Hoff's roommate, says shedoes not think the safety factor has been an issueduring the past month.

"I don't think it's that big a problem," Lausays. She and Hoff have not taken any specialprecautions in response to the policy.

Last year, Lau and Hoff lived in DeWolfe, wherethey say they did have problems with non-Harvardindividuals appearing outside theirdoor--including some local indigents camping outon the doorstep.

"Compared to DeWolfe, Quincy is like a safehaven," Lau Jokes.


Generally, students have had positive reactionsto the policy. However, there are thosenon-residents who, uninformed about the policy,have not yet been taking advantage of it.

"It's really funny when you see people waitingoutside because they don't know they can get in,"Lao says. "I go up to them and say `Hey, you don'thave to wait out here.'
